Sveshnikov A.A. 1
1 Federal state institiution «Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center «Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics» M. Ulianova, Kurgan
Observation of the subject on 63 patients aged 20–48 years old, suffered from chronic post-traumatic osteomielits. State of bone tissue investigated 99mTc-technefor. The blood circulation in limbs studied with Al buminom of human serum 99mTc. Evaluation of bone mineral density (BMD) about passing on the bone densitometer firm «GE/Lunar Corp.» (USA). The methodology used to clearly define the length of the inflammatory process in bones, its activity, BMD and condition of the blood circulation in limbs that it was important to address the issue of the level of the operational intervention, and the subsequent formation of bone regenerate in the dynamics and objectively decide on the possibility of withdrawing apparatus. After removing the hotbeds of osteomyelitis have various methods of formation will regenerate the compression-distraction osteogenesis G.A. Ilizarov: compressive, distraktion. This scientifically controlled activity reparativnogo process, make the necessary adjustments in the course of treatment. At the time of lifting apparatus will regenerate the strength of the majority of the patients was such that nadob for additional external immobilization were no longer required. If you use high-frequency mikrovibracionnyj von avtodistraktory, maintain muscle fibres in place of fracture and throughout the body may be forming a bone. The algorithm for the maximum activity of the bone forming reparativnogo bone forming. Changed and the old way of object characteristics of scientific observation in patients. Before this it was enough to write the number of patients, their gender and age. Today, however, must be split into groups depending on the shortage of minerals in the skeleton and somatotip patients. Only then other practical doctors will be able to really take advantage of the accumulated scientific data in the process of treatment.
osteoporosis post-traumatic
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7. Sveshnikov A.A. Materialy k razrabotke kompleksnoy skhemi korrektirovki funktsionalnogo sostoyaniya vnutrennikh organov pri chreskostnom osteosinteze. Geniy ortopedii. 1999. nо. 1. рр. 48-53.
8. Sveshnikov A.A. Zadachi, postavlenii RAMN pered tsentrom G.А. Ilizarova, po profilaktike i lecheniyu osteoporosa. Materialy nauchno-prarticheskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnim uchastiem Ilizarovskie chteniya/ Kurgan, 2011. рр. 552–553.
Бордуновский В.Н., д.м.н., профессор, зав. кафедрой хирургических болезней и урологии, ГОУ ВПО «Челябинская госмедакадемия» Минздравсоцразвития РФ, г. Челябинск;
Колпаков В.В., д.м.н., профессор, зав. кафедрой нормальной физиологии, ГОУ ВПО «Тюменская госмедакадемия Минздравсоцразвития РФ, г. Тюмень;
Щуковский В.В., д.м.н., профессор, главный научный сотрудник отдела инновационных проектов, нейрохирургии и вертебрологии ФГБУ «СарНИИТО», г. Саратов.