Shayzadina F.M. 1
Britskaya P.M. 1
Kamarova A.M. 1
Alisheva N.O. 1
Kantemirov M.R. 1
Lavrinenko A.I. 1
Beisekova M.M. 1
Kutisheva A.T. 1
1 Karaganda state medical university, epidemiology and communal hygiene department, Karaganda
To study the statistical analysis of the group of patients ho has septic complications, which identified the risk factors, contributing to the development of purulent-septic infection infections after the operation period. To found that the occurrence of purulent-septic infection affects patients’ age, the older the age, the authentic development of purulent complications. At the same time revealed that the risk factors of developing after operation purulent complications are number of surgical procedures, the period from the onset to the provision of patient care, day of week, when surgery is performed, time of day of the operation, duration of hospital stay before surgery, the patient co-morbidities, duration of surgery, the number of microbial cells in a gram of tissue or body fluid exceeds a «critical level» of 10 bacteria. For greater reliability of results in a work used correlation and regression analysis, or coefficient of regression. Correlation analysis revealed balanced operation some of systems of microorganism, which analyzed the results within and interconnections.
nosocomial infections
purulent-septic infection
risk factors
after operation complication
statistical analysis
study and control groups
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