Scientific journal
Fundamental research
ISSN 1812-7339
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 1,674


Hodzhayan A.B. 1 Fedko N.A. 2 Agranovich N.V. 3 Gevandova M.G. 3
1 The State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «The Stavropol State Medical Academy» of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (SEBE HPE StSMA), Stavropol
2 The State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «The Stavropol State Medical Academy» of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, (SEBE HPE StSMA)
3 The State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «The Stavropol State Medical Academy» of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (SEBE HPE StSMA)
Despite the high attention of the medical specialists of the world to the problem of malignant diseases, cancer situation in the world, including Russia, remains unfavorable. Daily in the world nearly 12 million new cases of cancer (WHO and IARC) are registered and about 480 thousand in our country. Analysis of the incidence of cancer indicates that in Western Europe and North America in particular territories, not only stabilization of the situation takes place, but also a reduction in mortality, but not so in the Russian Federation. Very disturbing is the situation related to the spread of cancer pathology among children, which takes the second place in the infant mortality rate in children and makes 1 case per 1 million children. It is much higher than in economically developed countries. Early detection of malignant tumors of different localization in children is the necessary condition in improvement of treatment results and rehabilitation of such patients in decreasing of incidence of severe complications and optimization of their life quality and effectiveness of prophylaxisprograms. Development of measures of prevention, diagnosis and therapy of oncological pathology proposes,first of all, the study of its regional epidemiological aspects, including indices ofmorbidity, prevalence and mortality.
malignant tumors
specialized aid
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Батурин В.А., д.м.н., профессор, проректор по научной и инновационной работе, заведующий кафедрой клинической фармакологии, аллергологии и иммунологии с курсом ПДО Ставропольской государственной медицинской академии, г. Став- рополь;

Калмыкова А.С., д.м.н., профессор, заведующая кафедрой пропедевтики детских болезней Ставропольской государственной медицинской академии, г. Ставрополь.