Scientific journal
Fundamental research
ISSN 1812-7339
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 1,674


Sumkina O.B. 1 Hodgajan A.B. 1 Belova N.G. 1
1 Stavropol State Medical Academy, Stavropol
The functional disorders of the skeletal muscles after pancreatectomy were studied.. The removal of the pancreas was performed under the abacterial conditions. We investigated the lability (fanctional mobility) of skeletal muscles of the dog”s limbs before and after the operation, using mechanographycal method. The study of lability levels gives us the best possibility to make a deep and complete analysis of the functional changes of the skeletal muscles. In an early stage after the operation on the mechanograms we noticed the disturbance of the rhythm of the of the muscular contracts, decreasing their level. A plain tetanus revealed itself earlier than in the control period. The more time passed after the operation, the greater and more evident the changes become. A pessimal reaction was revealed at a low frequency level. And at medium and high frequency levels one could see a distinct phenomenon of pessimum or no pessimum at all. Analysis of material shows us that pancreatectomy causes redusing of the functional mobility a disorders of function of the skeletal muscles revealed itself in reducing of the level of contractions, impossibility to maintain high rhythm of the work, fast tiredness .In the back limbs these changes were deeper than in front limbs. As a result- we see serious disturbance of skeletal muscles and a bad long- term prognosis.
skeletal muscles
functional mobility
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