Scientific journal
Fundamental research
ISSN 1812-7339
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 1,674

Alcohol abuse as a factor in psychological maladjustment in the elderly

Parfenov Y.A. 1 Belov V.G. 1 Tsoy V.S. 1 Shahov D.V. 1 Pahomov А.А. 1
1 Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work, St. Petersburg
Provides information about what progressive process aging population will lead to avalanche-like increase as the relative share and absolute amount of alcohol abuse in the elderly population. It is shown that the growth of a landslide of regular consumers of alcohol among older is expected in view of the fact that entering into old age new generations bring with them their alcohol habits, and the last decade was accompanied by a steady increase in per capita alcohol consumption is mainly due to young working age. Proved that with the growth of sociability, responsiveness, attentiveness, activity in contacts, getting on with everyone extroversion, cheerfulness, courage, belief in luck, commitment, responsibility, integrity, accuracy, raising moral normativity, elevated subjective locus of control, shows a general maturity identity and responsibility for all the events in her life, as well as reducing tension, irritability, fatigue, anxiety, reducing overall aggression in interpersonal communication to the optimum value, the negative response to the use of alcoholic beverages increases adaptation elderly. Conversely, the reverse pattern of these indicators marks an increase of mental maladjustment elderly.
advanced age
alcohol abuse
psychological maladjustment
the level of subjective control
and character
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Дергунов А.В., д.м.н., профессор кафедры патологической физиологии ВМедА им. С.М. Кирова;

Сысоев В.Н., д.м.н., профессор кафедры психофизиологии ВМедА им. С.М. Кирова.

Работа поступила в редакцию 16.10.2012