Pavlova T.V. 2
Beljanskij K.D. 2
Pershin E.V. 2
Bessmertnyj D.V. 2
Maslov P.V. 1
Pavlov I.A. 2
Praschayeu K.I. 2
Komisov A.A. 2
1 АНО «Научно-исследовательский медицинский центр "Геронтология", Москва
2 Belgorod State National Research University
Most often ill with prostate cancer at age 50 and older. It is therefore considered expedient to hold screening events in men, ranging from 40–50 years. Among the diagnostic tests are particularly important morphological methods. Immunohistochemical methods to date are a mandatory part of any research. Known diagnostic and prognostic performance of a particular marker. However, none of them are still not used in clinical practice, due to the lack of an integrated approach to the immunohistochemical diagnosis of cancer. The first group of markers include various cytokeratins, as defined in the basal epithelium. Another marker characteristic of the normal glandular epithelium and tumor prostate, prostatic acid phosphatase is (PSAP). Her expression is very similar to the expression of PSA. To assess the biological aggressiveness of the tumor using immunohistochemical reactions with antibodies to Ki-67 (proliferative activity), bcl-2 and p53 (apoptosis), and E cadherin betakatenin (intercellular adhesion), and others. This second group of immunohistochemical markers. When immunogistologicheskom study of patients with stage III was found minimal or absent expression of high molecular weight cytokeratin. In the stroma of the glands were altered proliferation of acinar structures formed by single-row pale epithelium with the expression of PSA and a weak expression of racemase. The number of Ki67 + cells in tumors predominantly 1–2 %.
prostate cancer
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Кветной И.М., д.м.н., профессор, заместитель директора по научной работе Санкт-Петербургского института биорегуляции и геронтологии СЗО РАМН, г. Санкт-Петербург;
Ильницкий А.Н., д.м.н., первый заместитель директора Автономной некоммерческой организации «Научно-исследовательский медицинский центр ‟Геронтология„», г. Москва.
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