Scientific journal
Fundamental research
ISSN 1812-7339
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 1,674


Miroshnikov S.V. 1 Notova S.V. 2 Timasheva A.B. 2 Manshina L.E. 3
1 Orenburg State Medical Academy, Orenburg
2 Orenburg State University, Orenburg
3 Orenburg regional clinical hospital № 2, Orenburg
This article is devoted to the study of adaptation of rats to physical activity (forced swim) on the background of experimental hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. The study involved 45 male rats line «Wistar», which were ranked into three groups according to the function of the thyroid gland. The animals of the experimental group I modeled condition experimental hyperthyroidism by intraperitoneal administration of L-thyroxine. The animals of the experimental group II modeled condition experimental hypothyroidism merkazolil by intraperitoneal injection. The third group was the control group and are not affected. For the purpose of simulation exercise, animals of all 3 groups were subjected to forced swimming. Obtained data on the characteristics of adaptability to physical activity in laboratory animals against orthotopic hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Found that 3-day forced swim, in all groups, including the check, there was stress. After 10 days of daily forced swimming, the rats of the control group there was a significant decrease in hemoglobin and segmented neutrophils, as well as a significant increase of eosinophils and lymphocytes, as compared with those in the control group of rats on day 3, daily swimming, corresponding to the parameters of the physiological norm. Thus, when systematically repeated physical exercise great power in «intact» lab rats, develops gradual adaptation to exercise. The number of lymphocytes in the I and II test groups was significantly lower than in the control group. There was a significant increase in the number of segmented neutrophils in the I and II treatment groups. Despite the lack of significant differences between the other elements of the «white blood» in the experimental groups at 3 and 10 days of forced swimming, there is deterioration of blood counts on day 10 after the voyage, which may indirectly indicate a «weighting» of stress. Model of physical activity in laboratory rats in a state of experimental hyperthyroidism / hypothyroidism, characterized by a lack of adaptation to exercise and «heavier» the stress caused by the change of orthotopic thyroid status.
experimental hyperthyroidism
experimental hypothyroidism
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Работа поступила в редакцию 10.09.2012