Scientific journal
Fundamental research
ISSN 1812-7339
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 1,674


Begimbetova N.B. 1 Sveshnikov A.A. 1
1 Federal state institiution «Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center «Restorative Traumatology
Emerging under the influence of stress factors in the MC as to accelerate (projomenoreâ) and increase the length of menstruation (polimenoreâ), as well as the difference in the number of normal cycles provided blood (gipomenoreâ) do not lead to changes in bone mineral density of the skeleton. The exception was gipermenoreâ, in which the MP was reduced by 6 % (р < 0,05). Delayed menarche followed by an accelerated cycle (opsoprojomenoreâ) resulted in a decrease of the IPC at 17 %. The same change observed in the intervals between menstruaciâmi more than 35 days (opsooligomenoreâ). When opsomenoree when menstruation delayed up to three months, the IPC was reduced by 21 %. When the rhythm of one menstruation in 2–3 months (oligomenorrhea) IPC below normal value by 25 %. The decrease was 26–amenorrhoea may be used by 35 %. Over 2 months after the trauma of the extremities in the menstrual cycle, the total number of undisturbed minerals around the skeleton was below normal at 4 %, when disturbed – at 19 %. In the lumbar spine-the 5 % and 10 %, the šejkah – femur at 9 and 14 %. In the space of demineralizaciâ Warda respectively 4 and 20 %. In a large spit changes more visible – 14 and 25 %. In the proksimal′nom Division of the femur reduces the IPC was at 8 and 14 %.
limb lengthening
menstrual cycle
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6. Sveshnikov A.A. Prichini snizheniya i sposobi vosstanovleniya aktivnosti reparativnogo kosteobrasovania posle travm i uravnivaniya dlini konechnostey // Fundamentalnye issledovaniya. 2011. N 10. Ch.2. рр. 384–387.
7. Sveshnikov A.A. Algoritm dlya maksimalnoy aktivnosti reparativnogo kosteobrasovaniya pri chreskostnom osteosintese // Fundamentalnye issledovaniya. 2012. nо. 4.


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Работа поступила в редакцию 06.06.2012