Shatohin M.N. 1
Konoplya A.I. 1
Dolgareva S.A. 1
Mavrin M.Y. 1
Gavrilyuk V.P. 1
1 Kursk state medical university, Kursk
In work the data about occurrence of hyperplasia of prostate and chronic prostatitis at men depending on the blood type and the Rh-factor is presented. Patients a chronic prostatitis have a second and third blood type and Rh (+) is more often, and at combination to good-quality hyperplasia of prostate there is first and second blood type is more often. Disturbances of structural and functional properties of the membrane of erythrocytes at patients with chronic prostatitis separately and in combination with hyperplasia of the prostate depending on the blood type on system AB0 and Rh-factor are established. The obtained data is necessary for considering at selection of adequate pharmacotherapy in medical and preventive establishments at the given category of patients.
chronic prostatitis
prostate hyperplasia
blood type