Scientific journal
Fundamental research
ISSN 1812-7339
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 1,674

Kotenko V.V., Rumyantsev K.Ye., Polycarpov S.V., Levendyan I.B.
Possibility of absolute undeciphering capability support which is opened by key bands sample spaces virtualization strategy [1] defines an urgency of further researches in the given direction. Results, obtained in nowadays, show that one of given strategy implementation variants is parallel complicating of virtual sample spaces. Parallel complicating in this case is virtual key creation and its devirtualization simultaneously on M independent channels. Thus, unfolded key is formed by unification of used channels devirtualization results. Thus, the algorithm of work key creation may be represented as




UNIF ( . ) - unification procedure;

( . ) - j-channel virtualization procedure;

( . ) - j-channel devirtualization procedure;

 - channel virtual key;

- initial key formed on given key data  basis

Order of virtual sample space complicating in this case is determined by number of parallel-way-used channels j. The reduced algorithm is common. Its concrete definition is made by unification procedure choice. It is necessary to underline, that here opens wide action field for researcher. For example adding and multiplying of channels devirtualization results can be used as this procedure. In first case unrolled key creation algorithm becomes as represented in expression (3), in the second case - in expression (4)



Implementation of given algorithms allowed creation of encryption software complex which opens possibility of absolute undeciphering capability providing. The researches spent in direction of given complex perfecting yield reassures results, representing scientific and practical interest. Given results are obtained during researches at Russian Federation Education Ministry grant T02-03.1-816 support.

The bibliographic list

  1. Kotenko V.V., Polycarpov S.V. The Strategy of Key Bands Virtual Sample Spaces Creation at Information Protection Problem Solving//Information Security Problems. 2002. №2. p. 47-52.