Scientific journal
Fundamental research
ISSN 1812-7339
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 1,674

Kotenko V.V., Rumyantsev K.Ye., Polycarpov S.V., Levendyan I.B.
Implementation of key bands virtual sample spaces strategy based on multivariate performance of sample spaces takes a special place among possible variants of given strategy implementation. First of all, it speaks opening possibility of different mathematical model using. In this case multivariate performance is a collection of virtualization procedures , each of them is considered to be a separate measurement. From these positions process of virtual key creation can be represented as initial key in some M-dimensional space simultaneously on all to his(its) measurements virtualization with the subsequent unification of virtualization results into some function of this space which will represent a virtual key:



Where UNIF(.) - unification procedure;

(.) - virtualization procedure defining j-measurement;

 - initial key formed on the basis of given key data ;

- projection of virtual key onto j-measurement;

The unfolded key is formed by obtained virtual key devirtualization:


Expressions (1) - (3) define common algorithm of unfolded key creation at multivariate performance of key bands virtual sample spaces. The concrete definition of the given algorithm is carried out by unification procedure definition . Variants of such concrete definition are represented by expressions (4) and (5)



Software implementation of the algorithms given in expressions (4), (5) allowed software encryption complex creation, which opens a possibility of absolute undeciphering capability support. Experimental researches of the complex confirm its significant potential possibilities. Given results are obtained during researches at Russian Federation Education Ministry grant T02-03.1-816 support.

The bibliographic list

  1. Kotenko V.V., Polycarpov S.V. The strategy of key bands virtual sample spaces creation at information protection problem solving//Information Security Problems . 2002. №2. p 47-52.