Yankovsky L.V. 1, 2
1 Perm national research polytechnical university, Perm
2 Open Company «Face Downwards technical regulation», Saratov
Results of natural experiments on studying of influence of softeners and film-forming preparations on durability of concrete designs are described by their manufacture. Calculation of durability of cement concrete of plates PND is made on a new method of an estimation of a condition with the account influence of a climate of northern territories on a material of designs. Influence of changing parameters of a real climate of northern territories on concrete of designs promotes development micro- and maсro defects in concrete that leads to decrease in durability of designs or constructions. As it has been established, steaming of products leads to strengthening of firmness of concrete at influence on it of a climate, but promotes formation of defects of structure which under certain conditions can affect firmness of concrete. Use of the forced modes of steaming leads to accumulation of deficiency of structure of concrete to the influence beginning on it of a climate and can become defining in firmness maintenance.
condition assessment
betonny designs
climate influence
residual resource
service life
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5. Yankovsky L.V. To a question an estimation and the forecast a condition of the cement concrete maintained in the conditions of influence of a climate of Ural Mountains and Siberia // Bulletin of the Perm national research polytechnical university. Preservation environment, transport, health and safety. 2012. no. 2. pp. 86–95.
Овчинников И.Г., д.т.н., профессор, академик транспорта Российской академии транспорта, профессор кафедры «Транспортное строительство» Саратовского государственного технического университета, г. Саратов;
Кадыров Ж.Н., д.т.н., профессор, академик Метрологической академии (Россия), профессор Казахского автомобильно-дорожного института, директор ТОО «Контора патентного поверенного», г. Алматы.
Работа поступила в редакцию 14.08.2012