Scientific journal
Fundamental research
ISSN 1812-7339
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 1,674


Kairbekov Z.K. 1 Myltykbaeva Z.K. 1 Kairbekov A.Z. 1 Shakieva Т.V. 1
1 Scientific research institute of New chemical technologies and materials
The process of coal distillates hydrotreatment on Mo–Hu/Ni–Re and So–Hu/Ni–Re catalysts has been studied in the given work. As research results show the maximum exit of liquid products – 51,0–56,0 mass. % is observed on the 5 % Мо–Hu, 7 % Co–Hu/Ni–Re catalysts. Besides, there is an increase in a portion of gasoline fraction in a liquid product up to 29,5 on the 5 % Mo–Hu/Ni–Re catalyst, and up to 21,7 mass. % on the 7 % So–Hu/NiмRe. The exit of liquid products increases up to 60,8 mass. % and exit of gasoline fraction increases up to 32,8 mass. % at simultaneous depositing of these catalysts. The content of paraffin hydrocarbons has decreased from 35,8 % to 28,3 %. The quantity of isoparaffin hydrocarbons in the synthetic oil hydrogenized on deposited 5 %Mo-Humate Ni–Re has increased up to 36,2 %. To all appearance, during the hydrogenation there is a process of isomerizating. The olefinic, cyclo-olefinic and diene hydrocarbons are present also at the hydrotreated benzine.
coal distillate
gasoline fraction
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Жубанов К.А., д.т.н., академик, Центр физико-химических методов анализа,
г. Алматы;

Досумов К.Д, д.х.н., профессор, зам. директора, Центр физико-химических методов анализа, г. Алматы.

Работа поступила в редакцию 02.08.2012.