Scientific journal
Fundamental research
ISSN 1812-7339
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 1,674


Galushkin D.N. 1 Galushkin N.E. 2 Yazvinskaya N.N. 1
1 South-Russia State University of Economics and Services, Shakhty
2 Novoshakhtinsk Branchof Southern Federal University, Novoshakhtinsk
A study was performed on possibility of thermal runway in 2NKB-32, 2NKB-15, NKG-30CA NKG-10D nickel-cadmium batteries. With the above purpose the batteries were cyclically charged/discharged under severe conditions. The batteries were charged at constant voltages of 1,45; 1,67; 1,87; 2,2 V. The batteries were discharged by the current, in accordance with the operating manual for the batteries, up to the voltage of 1 V. For each battery type there were 640 charging/discharging cycles performed. In all cases of thermal runway observance charging of batteries was performed at voltage 2,2 V, which greatly exceeds average field operating voltage of the above batteries 1,35–1,5 V, i.e. the given results demonstrate, that probability of thermal runway occurrence grows with the growth of charging voltage. Besides in all cases of thermal runway the batteries had the service life exceeding five years, when the guaranteed service life of the batteries was three years, i.e. the above results demonstrate, that probability of thermal runway grows with the growth of batteries’ lifespan. In the result of thermal runway a big amount of hydrogen evolved in nickel-cadmium batteries: approximately 10 l(A·h)–1 for vented batteries, and 1,3 l(A·h)–1 for sealed batteries.
thermal runaway
hydrogen accumulation
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Евстратов В.А., д.т.н., профессор, декан технологического факультета ФГБОУ ВПО «ШИ (ф) ЮРГТУ (НПИ)» Минобрнауки России, г. Шахты;

Колесниченко И.В. д.т.н., профессор, зам. директора по образовательной деятельности ФГБОУ ВПО «ШИ (ф) ЮРГТУ (НПИ)» Минобрнауки России, г. Шахты.

Работа поступила в редакцию 17.09.2012.