To the present time is accumulated enough wide experience of analysis variability of a cardiac rhythm for patients different cardiovascular, endocrine, neurologic and other pathology. Thus the system of blood circulation is esteemed as the sensing indicator of adaptive reactings of an integrated organism. The changes, registrated of cardioanalisators, will precede metabolic and hemodynamics to disturbance, to clinical developments and are early precursors of different diseases.
The change of variability is connected to intensity of processes of an activation of departments of a vegetative nervous system in relation to a cardiovascular system and allows to judge a degree of adaptive reacting of an organism on this or that effect as a whole.
The purpose of our activity was analysis of a problem of increase of efficiency of a pharmacotherapy of a syndrome acute discirculatory encephalopathy ground estimations variability of a cardiac rhythm.
35 men in the age of from 29 till 59 years with a syndrome acute discirculatory encephalopathy on a background of increase of arterial pressure were included in research.
During finding in reanimation department the complex intensive care The treatment of an arterial hypertension was conducted cilasapril for 20 ill, 15 patients received enalapril (10 mg).
Before the beginning of treatment for the patients it were marked a different neurologic symptomatology. At measurement of arterial pressure the increase systolic (on the average 164,4 ±2,4 in 1 group and 162,6±2,6 in 2) and diastolic (on the average 98,6±1,6 and 97,2±1,5 in 1 and 2 groups accordingly) pressure was loged. For all ill marked rather low HR. The standard deviation SDNN was authentically reduced and averaged 86,6 мс in 1-st and 85,6 in 2, and the standard deviation of average values SDANN was 63,3 мс and 65,3 мс accordingly in 1 and 2 groups.
After 3 weeks of therapy in a condition ill positive dynamics is marked. The neurologic developments have decreased, the decrease a systolic HELL up to 132,2±1.8 - in 1-st group and 130,4±1,7 in 2, mean DAP up to 91,0±1.4 in 1-st and 92,2±1,4 in 2 is marked. Alongside with improvement of a hemodynamics there were noticeable positive shifts in parameters VHR. So the standard deviations SDNN and SDANN authentically have grown up to 102,2 and 74,8 мs accordingly in 1-st group and 99,6 and 70,6 мs in 2.
Thus, in treatment ill with a syndrome acute discirculatore encephalopaty the complex therapy alternate possibility of using should be utilised as hypotensive therapy, is usage of a drug cilasapril.
Работа представлена на научную конференцию с международным участием, Москва-Барселона, 7-14 июля 2006, «Современные медицинские технологии (диагностика, терапия, реабилитация и профилактика)». Поступила в редакцию 09.06.2006 г.
Библиографическая ссылка
Shanin P.V., Mal G.S., Kravcov P.V., Shustov V.A., Vashilina M.S. CHANGE VARIABILITY OF A HEART RHYTHM AT TREATMENT OF A HYPERTONIC SYNDROME FOR CILASAPRIL PATIENTS WITH ACUTE DISCIRCULATORY ENCEPHALOPATHY // Фундаментальные исследования. – 2006. – № 8. – С. 83-84;URL: (дата обращения: 22.01.2025).